Saturday, August 15, 2015

Global resanence field of hyper intent I forward this:
At 00.00 hrs - Indonesian time)
(Through the hand of Sharon Brett) 15th August 2015

Greetings HUMAN Lightworkers! On the 17th day (1+7=8) of the 8th month in the year of the 8 (2015) - (2+1+5=8), a great historical event is about to happen on your planet and it is “LAYERED IN LOVE and LIGHT” and sealed in GOLD.
EMBRACE THIS EVENT! DO NOT FEAR IT!  This is the follow-on from the Bali activation where the amount of light frequencies entering the human being had to be tested first and fine-tuned to be re-wired into humans, enabling them to ASCEND into their Crystalline DNA. The LOVE vibration is now already on the planet and is physically located in the heart muscle and hidden deep within the spiritual DNA of every human being on this planet. 99% of the population of planet earth are unaware of this yet. Papa Sughi’s task is to bring in the TRUST energy which will be layered with new NEW LOVE energy (that came through Brenda).
Like all energy it needs to be activated and because it is the new vibration for the planet it cannot be activated out of dark thoughts. Darkness is driven by fear, insecurity, poverty and hopelessness. The root cause of much of this is caused through PERCEIVED financial insecurity and since every dark thought feeds on itself, it leads to great mistrust amongst the peoples of your planet.
Papa Sughi’s mission to gift the ancient gold amassed over centuries back to the populations of planet Earth will allow darkness of thoughts to be lifted. Once the debt burden choking your planet is removed, humans can start to CO-CREATE with GOD and design a new heaven on earth. The veil has thinned and SPIRIT is preparing to assist Humans with this mighty task. The layering of this GOD LIGHT will be filtered through Papa Sughi on this auspicious date and it will merge with the LOVE LIGHT and the NEW LOVE frequencies to create a sub atomic haze that will eventually become the new energy source of the far future as humans learn to work with it and learn how to claim back and activate their GOD codes within. This AURIC HAZE, WITH ITS LAYERS OF LOVE GIFTED FROM AROUND THE UNIVERSE,   will inspire GOODNESS AND HAPPINESS in people through the power of POSITIVE THOUGHTS.  Above all this new layering of light will bring in the much needed TRUST for the planet. TRUST is preceded by FORGIVENESS. We in Spirit have already been pre-testing this. Have you noticed suddenly how America has forgiven Cuba and vice versa and Japan has begged forgiveness for its role in World War 2? Strange events are happening all around you simultaneously? Does this signal the end of your world? Of course not! It does, however, signal the end of your world as you know it and the Ascension of the long awaited Human consciousness.  Notice these subtle changes leading up to this event dear ones! Are you HAPPY? – YOU SHOULD BE! In fact you should be ECSTATIC! YOU - DEAR HUMANS - ARE MAKING HISTORY!
When this activation happens it will be felt in hearts around the world, in some instantly, in others slowly and over time. But KNOW that this is only a tool. Thinking alone will have little impact on your future actions. THOUGHTS need to be activated with LOVE and ACTIONED IN THE PHYSICAL PLANE with sincere INTENT TO SEE A JOB DONE. From this point on only HUMANS DOING will manifest and CO-CREATE their new world with GOD at their side. There is no room for lazy humans or humans sitting on the fence expecting GOD to live their lives for them. GOD will assist those that get on with the job and make a difference. Humans unable to accept these conditions will sadly exit the earth of their own free choice.
How can you help on this date? Light workers – just accept this gift from Papa with LOVE and GRATITUDE, sending heartfelt thanks to GOD and all the Beings of Light intent on helping planet Earth.
Do not intellectualise over this – simply RECEIVE and GIVE THANKS! Do not over prepare your area or sit reciting long prayers etc, as you will miss out on the feeling when this gift comes through? Just relax and look forward to the moment with great excitement and anticipation.  Brenda and Papa each know their role – they are ACTIVATORS OF THE ENERGY and must not have the thoughts of over eager lightworkers interfering with what they are doing. At the time of the activation the rest of your group need do nothing further except hold a vision of earth in pure light and love. Prior to the activation you can each put your TRUST to the test. Choose one (OR MORE) powerful thoughts to be manifest at the time of the Activation. It can be anything (either of a personal nature or global). Hold the thought in your mind and see it manifest in the best possible outcome. Absolutely know you have CO-CREATED something together with GOD and wait for the outcome in the physical thereafter. TRUST it will happen and set a date for it to happen in the physical world. (Obviously set realistic dates especially if you have chosen a big world project!). Watch and wait for the outcome?  From this date onwards please watch your THOUGHTS as everything you THINK from now onwards WILL have an impact on how your new WORLD emerges.
THANK YOU FOR GIVING US YOUR TIME & TRUST! YOU ARE ALL DEARLY LOVED and  GOD APPLAUDS YOU for staying with the plan, supporting Papa and sticking to your belief when all around you have disputed and ridiculed everything so far. Each and every one of you chose to be here for this WORLD EVENT (prior to incarnation) and you are now seeing it to fruition. Good luck! Have FUN Humans – your lives will never be the same again!


THOTH (Spiritual Teacher) (heart)

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