Thursday, March 26, 2015    The changes to your global banking system are just the start of a worldwide effort to make banking the instrument, which is to help humanity and not restrict it. Over the years we have watched as this globe’s largest banks and the various multi-national partners have waged a war with humanity and sought worldwide dominance over you. This battle of ideas and money is in fact over. The fiat currency they espoused has lost, and the first step in instigating a new type of global currency has begun. These changes are meant to globally reset currency and to finally re-establish a new gold standard. Also, there is to be the forerunner of a new set of standards for the clean exchange of these monies worldwide. The dark cabal, which had complete charge of you, is now fading. Its vast powers are being taken from it. You are on the verge of watching as the major figures of this once all-powerful monopoly are arrested and removed from office.