Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You are about to find out about MAJOR money you are entitled to recover, every year - and the clear pathway to recovering it! First...

The Background

Why are we here? Let's hope there's more to it than just the daily grind. Getting up too early, working too many hours, coming home too late, amissing precious family time with the spouse and kids, getting too little sleep and starting it all over again the nexIt’s totally up to you. If you choose abundance and complete and total freedom, then you have taken the first step.
If the status quo is where you find comfort… do nothing.

Good, you’re still here.

To truly benefit from all that life has to offer is going to require some reprogramming on your part. Let’s face it… if you had all the answers, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. Now join us, as we guide you through this maze of commerce, and we shall emerge victorious on the other side.t day. For those of us that survive, there't the things we buy to try to make us feel better. Then there's the debt consolidation programs for those of us who have taken on more than we can bear. There's got to be more to life than that. Got to be.

What if there is more… a lot more? Imagine a world that allows you to recognize your greatest potential, one that gives you the freedom to benefit from the great abundance that is your birth right.
Imagine a world where you not only operate from a position of plenty, but allows you to assist your fellow man in doing the same.
The human mind is a powerful tool. It can bring into existence most anything we can declare. It all starts with a choice.

“ Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
- W. Clement Stone

Your first assignment: watch the following films if you have not seen them already.

Money as Debt

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Once you've seen these, then it may be dawning on you that you are not just the paltry debtor you’ve been told you were all these years. “But how could I be a ‘Creditor’? What do I need to do to transform myself from a debtor into a Creditor?” you ask. “Do I have to open up a credit card company, mortgage company or bank before I am a Creditor?” No. You already are a Creditor. You can’t become what you already are. You just need to realize that you already are a Creditor.

More than likely, you are not ACTING or BE-ING consistent with that you are a Creditor (if you were, you wouldn’t be reading this right now). It’s like if the King decided to act like something other than the King. He’s still the King, but his beingness is not aligned with King - his actions, his thoughts, his decisions, his words are not aligned with being King, so no one recognizes him as King, and he does not have results consistent with King. If he was CONGRUENT, if his whole Self aligned with being King, (if his words, his actions, his thoughts, his conduct, his mannerisms, his body language, his decisions) all were consistent with being King, then he would a) be RECOGNIZED BY OTHERS as the King, and b) have ALL his RESULTS be consistent with being the King!

Said the Duchess “and the moral of that is – ‘be what you would seem to be’ – or, if you’d like to put it more simply – ‘Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.’” “I think I should understand that better,” Alice said very politely, “if I had written it down, but I can’t quite follow it as you say it.” “That’s nothing compared to what I could say if I chose” the Duchess replied in a pleased tone.

-Alice In Wonderland

Every time you take money out of your bank account, whether it’s by sending someone a check, pulling money out of the ATM, doing a cash withdrawal with the teller, having the teller create a money order, doing a wire transfer, paying bills online, having automatic withdrawals, using your debit card at point-of-sale… you’re always doing one thing: Authorizing.

The common perception of "authorize" is to grant permission or to allow. But in the game of being a Creditor, to "authorize" means to AUTHOR. To be the author, the creator, the originator. In this case, YOU are AUTHORING the money into existence, by your signature (or by entering your PIN code, as good as a signature).Go to your bank to get a money order. You'd think they’d just type in your account, deduct the amount, then hand you the money order and say “you’re all set”, and next time you look at your account You’d have $400 less in there. No no. That can’t happen when you are the author.

That could only happen if there really WAS money in your account already, and it was just a simple matter to move some of the money from my account to a money order. But we can’t do that, because there is no money in my account (there is no money in anyone’s account – there’s only digits on a computer screen – and there really is NO money in your account, there never has been, there never will be). The only money that exists is the money I sign for – I sign it / author it / birth it / create it / manifest it into existence in the MOMENT I sign for it.

“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled”-John Kenneth Gailbraith, Economist.

So, at your bank, getting your money order, they fill out a CHECK made out to cash, and they have you sign it. They needed to create a situation where, once again, you must to sign to create funds. Once you authored it, then the money got born, from absolutely nowhere, introduced for the first time into the economy, in the form of a money order.

You might be thinking “WOW, I SEE THE LIGHT!” Or, you might be thinking “So what, that’s just a normal standard run-of-the-mill, everyday bank transaction.” Well, there is some very sneaky sleight-of-hand going on during every one of those “run-of-the-mill” transactions. They’re having you birth the money, and having you believe that before you signed for it, that it was sitting safe-and-sound in your account… but it wasn’t. It did not exist.

Go get a check, a blank check of yours. Look at the signature line. It’s just the signature line, right? Nope. Compare it to the memo line. Look VERY carefully. The memo line is a straight black line. The signature line looks slightly less solid. Get a magnifying glass. You will see that you are the author, the initiator, the generator, the source of the money being born into existence, when you see that it is indeed not a line at all, but words, words that say something VERY SPECIFIC. “AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE” over and over.

“Every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created – new deposits – brand new money” - Graham Towers, Governor, Bank of Canada 1934 – 1954

And of course, every time any new money is introduced into the economy, since there is nothing at all (whatsoever) backing the “money”, then the “money” isn’t really money, it’s debt. All new “money” only adds to the “debt” that can never be paid back. Who do we owe this “debt” to? The Federal Reserve. They’re not Federal, they have no Reserves.

And really, since they never loaned you anything of value, you owe no debt to them. That’s right, in reality, there is no National Debt. We’re at zero. Actually, the ones who created this game in the first place (the Warburgs and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds) have completely depended upon your energy in order for them to thrive, and they are the ones who owe you, BIG TIME.

The reason they’re so rich is because they ensured you got paid a relative pittance for your labors, while all those profits flowed straight up to them. All your ENERGY expended with so little to show for it. They have figured out the energy game, they have figured out how to enjoy the fruits of your labor. They know that YOU are the VALUABLE entity, the one who does their bidding for them. They have just been smart enough to position themselves as the receivers of your value. Wouldn’t you like to position yourself as the receiver of the fruits of your labor (retroactively), instead?

You may also still be baffled by this idea that you’re creating the money. You certainly did not PRINT the money, so where does that come from? The Money Fairy? No. It comes from The Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has the money printed for them, by the US Office of Printing and Engraving, at a ridiculously low cost. The physical paper “money” then goes to the Federal Reserve (a private company) where it is held, awaiting your signature before it is released. When you sign for something at your bank, your bank contacts the Federal Reserve Bank, and they access YOUR FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ACCOUNT (the account you did not know you had). They pull the money out of your Federal Reserve Bank Account, and hand it to you. Yes, that’s your money they’re handing you, because you’ve got an account with the Federal Reserve Bank and no one ever told you.

Signed for a loan? That just means that your bank took your loan application to the Federal Reserve and got your money out of your Federal Reserve Bank Account, then they made you think it came from your bank, handed it to you, and told you that you need to pay them back.

Swipe your credit card? Visa never actually gives a dime to those who you think you are paying by credit card – because remember, when Joe the Plumber goes to pull the $1000 out of his account that you charged on your Visa, Joe the Plumber is AUTHORizing the creation of that $1000 in that moment. All that credit card debt is a lie. In fact, regarding credit cards, bank accounts, and loans, the money that you believe you charged, withdrew or borrowed never happened, AND the exact same amount of money you THOUGHT you charged, withdrew or borrowed is actually sitting in a hidden escrow account held by your bank / credit card company. YOUR money, sitting in THEIR escrow account. The bank is just hoping you never find out about it.

But, you just did.

“When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is.” -Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Georgia

To follow the thread that we are proposing here will require an abandonment of everything you thought was true about money and banking. There is something to be said for the letting go of childish notions, old wives tales and Fantasyland depictions, and to begin to embrace truth and accuracy instead.

Any truth is better than make-believe... rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
- Henry David Thoreau

Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened.
– Winston Churchill

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.
– Arthur Schopenhauer Philosopher, 1788-1860

A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
– Dresden James

Clearly most people do not seek the truth. The herd always subscribes to the pre-fabbed fantasies; this allows them to be not responsible for their realities or their futures. It is a rare individual who distinguishes these fantasies not only for what they are, but in doing so, goes beyond them and can then perceive the truth as it is. And the truth shall set this rare individual free.

There is a profound piece of text regarding this, from a group called Maliwada Human Development Training School. It regards Integrity. Not the type of Integrity that you may be expecting to hear about, but one that is essential for anyone who is going to step up into the realm of Creditor. Please read:

We are going to visit the arena of Profound Humanness called "integrity". Sometimes integrity is reduced to mean a kind of moral uprightness and steadfastness, in the sense of saying, "He has too much integrity to ever take a bribe".

But profound integrity goes far beyond this. Sometimes, in order to distinguish it from the more limited popular usage, it is called "secondary integrity". This is the integrity that is not constrained by limits or moralities, however well intentioned. The integrity that is profound living is the singularity of thrust of a life committed to ordering every dimension of the self towards that commitment. Thus the self is in fact shaped by the self, and focused towards that commitment. You can say that an audacious creation of the self takes place in integrity, without which you are simply the creation of the various forces impacting you in your society.

Thus the basis of integrity is a destinal resolve - a resolve that chooses and sets your destiny and out of which your whole life is ordered. The object of that resolve is the ultimate decision of each person, and each person makes that choice, consciously or unconsciously. To do so with awareness is the height of man's responsibility. It is incarnate freedom he realizes that to be true to himself ever thereafter he has a unique position to look at the values of his society. He is no longer bound by the opinions and codes of his fellow man, but re-evaluates them on the basis of their impact on his destinal resolve.

Thus the man of integrity is continuously engaged in a societal transvaluation, a moving across the values of society and reinterpreting them in line with his life thrust. It does not give him the liberty of ignoring his society, but his obligation transcends the conformity of living within the codes and mores of his society. Thus the man of profound integrity always seems to not quite fit with his fellow men, but his actions always are appropriate for him, even to those who oppose him.

No matter how odd the man of profound integrity appears to his neighbors, he experiences himself as securely anchored. While he is very clear that this world is not his home, nevertheless he experiences himself as having found his native vale. He experiences an eternal at-one-ness, not so much with the currents and waves of activity around him, but with the deeper trends of history itself. Amid the flux of wavering to and from that is so evident in others, he experiences an inexplicable rootedness, as though he has sunk a taproot deep into the foundation of the earth itself. Though he experiences his life as a long journey, even an endless journey, it is as if he had been there before. Original integrity is experienced primarily by this sense of at-one-ness.

Kierkegaard once wrote a book about this kind of integrity that he titled "Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing". An ancient philosopher focused his wisdom around this integrity with his advice, "Know your self, and to your own self, be true"

So, the name of the game is to “Know your self, and to your own self, be true”. You now have the opportunity to know yourself as the Creditor (rather than the debtor), and be true to your Creditor self.

We have now sufficiently belabored this point. Why? To ensure that you understand that you are the Originator, the Creator, the Author(izer) … in this case, of the creation of Currency (even though you thought you were the poor, struggling, suffering debtor who might someday catch up on your bills!). Once you understand that, you can see how you actually are (and have been) the Creditor all this time. You create money out of nowhere, strictly with your signature, and then hand it over to those who you thought all this time were the creditors, but in fact are not. They are the fictions, the ghosts, the empty shells, while You are the True, Authentic, Sentient Flesh-And-Blood Living Child of God / the Universe. Of course you are the Creditor!

So, how do you best make use of this “new” status, that you just became aware that you’ve been all this time?

Here’s the reason you read this far:

The 1099 OID Process

The IRS has a form 1099 OID (Original Issue Discount). Up until recently, very few have known about this form and the power it holds. Why is this form so special? The IRS Form 1099 OID, in combination w/ the IRS Form 1099A and IRS Form 1040, are what Creditors fill out, when they’re ready to COLLECT back all the Credit they passed out this year.

So, how does it work? Let's say last year (2008) your take home pay was $40,000. All of that $40,000 went directly from paychecks into your bank account. And out of that, you spent $39,000 of it, meaning that $39k of the $40k that was in your account you took out of your account and paid bills, etc. Actually, it means that you signed $39,000 worth of new "money" into existence, because you're the Creditor.

So, for 2008, you would want to claim $39,000 on your 1099 OID form, because that's the amount that "came out of your bank account". You're telling the IRS that you generated $39,000 worth of Credit from that bank account, and now you want it back. The IRS is commanded to retrieve your money from the bank’s hidden escrow account. The IRS withholds their share (approx 20% to 30%),and then cuts you a check for the remaining %, made out to YOU, for your use.

We’ll pause a moment while your “That’s impossible, that’s WAY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, no way !!" voice goes 'round and 'round in your head.

OK, are you back? Yes, that’s right. Tens of thousands of people are receiving checks from the IRS for a VERY LARGE PERCENTAGE of the credit they created, BACK in their pockets. Imagine for a moment what that would be like. How much did you pay out of your bank account in 2008? 2007? 2006? What if you got refunded for all those years?

Now that you’ve imagined how much has exited your bank account each year, let’s expand the game. How much did you charge on your credit cards for those years? That’s all OID-able too! Now, if you had cards that were practically maxxed out all that time, and so you only charged a few thousand each year… there’s something else that is OID-able on those cards: the limit. If you had 3 cards, each w/ a $10,000 limit, that’s $30,000 of OID-able money each year.

Now, let's look at loans. Did you sign for any loans in the past 3 years? Did you create a mortgage? Did you create an auto loan or a student loan? All OID-able events.

What could you do with that kind of money? Imagine turning your pipe dreams into reality. Picture a world where you operate from a position of plenty... not lack. Now look beyond that... way beyond. Would you like to positively impact your family, friends, community...the world?

That is the power and magic of the 1099 OID Process. is committed to assisting people with their OID Process, from start to finish. Notice, it says “assisting people with their OID Process” as opposed to “doing people’s OID Process for them.” As you participate in this process, a transformation will take place... you will become the Creditor. will ...

provide you with the necessary resources to insure your success (seminars, documents, presentations, manuals, films).

assist you in the electronic filing of your 1099A’s, 1099OID’s and 1040’s for the appropriate year(s).

train and prepare you for interaction with the IRS (just in case) to ensure you receive (and keep) your refunds.
not only show you what being a Creditor means, but how to operate from a position of authority, responsibility, integrity, power, freedom, and full self-expression.

customize your own personal curriculum that will assist you in developing your fullest potential as a human being. Once you receive your refund we will show you how to get the most from it as well.

Soon... very soon, you will be able to log onto,and be guided on this miraculous journey.

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