Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trinity question


in the asking of the Question one inherits the KINGdom....

thank you for asking the question, that may be on so many curious minds...if i may say a few things to those in that place?

~have you been seeking for answers and not finding ?

~have you noticed all the gossip around the community regarding the search for truth?

~given that this is truly an "open everyone is welcomed forum" is this the venue to speak of such sacred information, and "throw the pearls upon swine" so to speak?

~I for one am more than happy to have private conversations with people requesting clues along their journey towards the pirates treasure. won't you make some requests of those of us who have clues in a private manner?

small bit of advice, before you come asking, when you commit to uncovering the treasure you so seek,

~are you ready and prepared to embody that which you find?

~What may need to be done to prepare for such a download?

~are you willing and able to step back and grasp a broader view for the greater good, or are you driven only by the details of your single situations and goals?

~if you do receive it, are you responsible enough to honor the request of sharing with only people ask for it, moreover who can honor themselves and their word first?...

my Life, Views, Visions, Commitments, Aspirations, Spiritual Responsibilities and PURPOSE has greatly expanded since receiving the totality of the information given in this call to Arms Seminar of LIFE!

be prepared to have your self turned Inside out...

WARNING!!!! there is no cheese for the skeptics, that era is ending we are in deed walking through the threshold of a NEW Paradigm in the AGE OF AQUARIUS,( look up, study that which is foreign to you...)

Understand ALL the systems and structures in which you exist and operate inside of, so one might begin to partner with the divine presence of all 12 Universal Laws..

as you may be questioning "what the hell is she rambling about?" I suggest you look only inward for your truth and light, trust no one and no thing, hold your lantern so you can see it, and begin to remember who you are again :>

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