Monday, July 6, 2009

Brandon Addams 702-866-9077 Conference Calls Tuesdays 7p-10p PT
Living Temple seminar notes

01 Introduction
02 Money & Original Issue
03 STRAWMAN as Trusts
04 Private & Public Records
05 Administrative Procedure
06 Principal & Interest
07 Banking overview
08 Creditors Control
09 Quantum Language
10 Admiralty
11 Surety & Escrow
12 Faith, Spirit & Energy

01 Introduction

Global governance operates in commerce.

Public school educates you to be a debtor from the time that you are very young.

If we were all creditors, we would all be giving. There would be abundance; more than enough to go around. We wouldn’t need FRNs or banks. We wouldn’t rely on government for anything.

Law forms (in order, top to bottom):
Natural Law: Existence, the physics of the universe. [All law below this is by agreement between at least two parties that is constantly being created. Law school doesn’t teach law; it teached procedures.]
Commercial law: Any interactions between sovereign beings. You have unlimited right to contract. Contract is by agreement and performance – signatures, merely memorializations of the contract, are not required. Silence is agreement. Are you accepting a benefit? Sovereigns have control (not necessarily possession or ownership) over their property. Rockefeller said “own nothing; control everything”. Two sovereign entities can contract in any way that they see fit. There is no oversight of their contract. Creditors in commerce operate in commercial law.
Common law: Society’s agreements on how to act with each other (relatively recent tradition). Execution of contract (eye for an eye) – law of the land – if you owe, you are a slave immediately until the debt is paid. The common law now is admiralty, which is more a jurisdiction than a lawform. In admiralty, you’re guilty until proven innocent. Admiralty ripened in 1500s; Lord Mansfield officially defined admiralty as part of common law in 1753. All bodies are vessels in the sea of space. [Of course, you are not your body – you’re the captain of the vessel, but you don’t exist in the physical world.] Walking on water is having command of admiralty. Discharge.
Statutory law: Codes; 52 titles in the U.S. Code; the tax code is Title 26. Most (fictions) operate in statutory law.
Political law: ex: I’m under the laws of the soccer league if I play in the soccer league. Referees are the judges – nothing is black & white; it is all subject to interpretation.

If your car is paid for, you own the car, but you do not control the car. The State can take it away from you.

Two different types of title:
Equitable title: owner/operator/debtor’s title. You can sell the car and make money, but you cannot control the car because you didn’t issue the title; the State did. They gave you a certificate of title. They hold the legal title or the MSO (Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin) that came from the dealership; MSO got sent to the DMV (State).
Legal title: Normally, when you purchase a vehicle, you give the dealership POA to take the MSO and give it to the State on your behalf. If, when you purchased the car, you told them you were taking the vehicle to a foreign jurisdiction, they’ll give you the MSO if you ask for it. Whoever holds legal title, controls the property.

It is not recommended that you take legal title over your vehicle. Being a creditor entails a lot of responsibility. Legal titleholder has responsibility over the property.


0) Original Jurisdiction: Living contracts; no corporations. Private law. No name, no title. Real human beings.

A) Private; republic [JurA from here on out.] Unlimited (complete) liability. Sovereigns. DuJure. Post Office, Sec’y of Treasury (representing creditor IMF), Sec’y of State (representing creditor UN) and Attorney General (representing creditor Interpol) are the last remnants of the Republic; they represent the interest of the creditors (foreign to JurB). Notaries also can operate in both JurA & JurB. Creditors take responsibility and control. Creditors don’t pay taxes (IRS works for you if you are a creditor). Judges cannot recognize JurA because they would be committing treason – their job is to protect the public. Birth Certificate Trust. John Doe is a private, international vessel, evidenced by the b/c (foreign situs trust. Common law of the land; whatever the parties make it be. Private Strawman (international vessel). Admiralty/ Equity law. State national. Money is an asset. JurA is not specific to our Republic; it is the equivalent of private international commercial law. It is the original commercial jurisdiction; it is the basis of all commerce.

B) Public; democracy [JurB] Even private schools are in JurB. Black’s Law is JurB. Limited liability is a benefit/ privilege. No sovereignty. Slaves. When you operate under benefits & privileges, you subrogate your rights. Defacto. Postal Service and everything else. JurB is the creation of JurA; JurB is always controlled by JurA (creditors). SS-5. JOHN DOE. Government said “you give us your exemption, we’ll give you all the things you need. Cestuique (implied) trust. State is always a party to the contract. Public STRAWMAN. Statutory law. Interaction in JurB is only through STRAWMAN. U.S. citizen. Money is a liability. Everything in JurB is colorable; it doesn’t mean what you might think it means. Nothing happens in JurB without some entity in higher Jurs doing it. Everything is dead in JurB, like a roomful of mannequins. JurB was created by the bankruptcy of JurA.

1776 Declaration of Independence established, through the Articles of Confederation, a sovereign republic. The Republic lasted 7 years.

1782 National government went to the States and asked them to foot the bill for the Revolutionary War and the States said they would not pay the debt. National government was therefore forced to form a Constitution. The national government lost its sovereignty. A constitution (security, with sureties) is created by a constitutor – one who passes his debts to a 3rd party.

1789 Constitution was a negotiable, debt, security instrument which the national debt was attached to. The King of England bought the debt (and legal title over the national government’s property) and the democracy was formed (and the national govt. lost its sovereignty via international bankruptcy). The democracy operates under military tribunal laws, where the minute you’re charged, you’re guilty.

International bankruptcy lasts 70 years. At the end of the bankruptcy, the debt is due. The States had signed on as sureties for the debt.

1791 Alexander Hamilton created the Bank of the U.S. (with a 20 year charter) where the securities were held.

1811 Congress decided not to renew the Bank of the U.S.

1812 War of 1812 Britain took possession of all the federal courts (where the titles are).

1816 Another central bank but Andrew Jackson nixed it. The country operated at a surplus for the only time, but did he pay the debts or was he a belligerent debtor?

1859 Civil War – the northern States went to the Southern states which had most of the money (gold, cotton, resources, wealth) and the South said no we’re not paying – we’ll start our own country. Because of their dishonor with the international bankers, and it was the will of the creditors to get the debt paid or take sureties for the debt; hence the States lost their sovereignty. Another bankruptcy; another 70 year process. Now the States were in dishonor, so now the international creditors took control of the State’s property and the States (who were surety for the debt) no longer had their sovereignty.

Debtors are not sovereign; creditors control. If you control any property, you have legal title to it; you are sovereign and the property is sovereign. Creditors are willing to risk it all. Creditors bring remedy, resolution, not necessarily FRNs.

1909 Jekyll island - Federal Reserve, income tax in 1913. The IRS is foreign despite the fact that its employees are not. Taxes don’t go to operating the country; they go to pay the debt to the creditors. The creditors have surety through the Fed.

1929 Stock market crash. Bankruptcy due and we didn’t pay (dishonor) again. This time the people lost their sovereignty. There was confiscation of gold, silver and all legal (allodial) title. They also took title to your body through a certificate of title known as your birth certificate (which is a bond and goes to the Dept. of Commerce). They took it to give you a benefit. You can be irresponsible because they took control of the slaves on the plantation. The people (who were surety for the debt) lost their sovereignty. [Fascism is the government having all legal titles.]
[You can get legal title back.]

Allodial title is legal and equitable title.
If you took your grant deed, accepted it for value and gave it back to the county, you’d be removed from the assessor’s parcel numbering system – you’d be off their grid; no more property tax. You’d be responsible for the property, which means bonding for sewage, bonding the police department, fire department, etc. Any benefits and privileges your property receives, you become responsible for. You paid property tax because the State or County took responsibility for those things.

1933 Social Security. State has all legal title.
Everyone in JurA has an exemption and are creditors.
From the perspective of JurB, you’re presumed to be a debtor.

1999 State now not only has legal title to everything, but controls equitable title to almost everything. We went from fascism to communism.

Trusts have 4 essential parts: 3 positions: Grantor, Trustee, Beneficiary; and Res or corpus (the thing or the property). Trusts don’t require movement of legal title between the parties. Trusts can be perpetual rather than executed.

Private Trust
Grantor: living men & women (before they created another government overlay they had to recognize the source of all production); whoever is putting the commercial energy in.
Trustee: foreign situs trust (Strawman) created and evidenced by the birth certificate (foreign to JurB); whoever is performing.
Beneficiaries: Public Trust (government, U.S. citizens, corporations); whoever is getting something from the performance.

Public Trust
Grantor: none designated
Trustees: public officials, judges, attorneys, governrnent agents
Beneficiaries: the people (debtors); you get the benefit of what the corporations (government) are doing for you

The grantor creates the trust and determines the duties of the trustee. Trustee controls the trust.

We’re under admiralty or maritime law because it has grace and mercy. Common law is execution on the law, but the current common law is admiralty. We’re all vessels. They give us a berth in admiralty (app. for b/c). The b/c is your foreign situs trust; it’s what gives you the ability to operate with all the other vessels. This vessel is foreign to JurB. Then the Federal Corporation (estab. 1859) comes along and gives its members (citizens) benefits & privileges (social insurance contract or Soc. Sec.) – another trust, c’est eque or implied trust. You’re a debtor who doesn’t have to pay (there is no gold in use to pay anyway; you get to operate in commerce; you get to go to jail, etc.

In common law, there is no debtor’s prison; but in commerce or admiralty there are. You can serve jail time to pay your debt.

If we were in common law, the creditor would have the right to force the debtor to work off that debt.

In commerce, you can’t pay your debts, but you do get to discharge your debts, (not eliminate them, but) put them off into the future.

The creditor determines the money. Your signature (as a creditor) creates all the money.

From the Garden of Eden, the Fall was into commerce. Jesus prepaid your debts. The New Testament (new contract) gave us redemption.

Any name in all capital letters is a vessel. Vessels, (corporations) are dead (fake); they can’t create money.

Your promissory note paid for the house. They don’t tell you that, but if you as a creditor knoew how to interact with the IRS, you could discharge that debt.

They assume you’re a debtor with a financial intermediary, namely the banks. The banks block you from your credit. If you endorse a check, you created the funds; you’ve authorized the bank to create funds out of nothing. You deposed of the money by depositing it in an account. Then it’s their money. In a deposit situation, you are the grantor – they take the role of the trustee. You’re a trustee by being an authorized agent of the bank whenever you sign the check.

Postal Money Orders are backed by gold. Post office (created before the govt. by Ben Franklin) is JurA; the Postal Service is JurB (part of the democracy. The Post office/ Service is the only agency that operates in both jurisdictions.

The UCC is for us, the foreign creditors who have superior claim. The UCC-1 is just a public notice without a claim for title. The claim is what gives the weight to it but you never put the claim in to the public.

Creditors operate outside the democracy. Your STRAWMAN acts like a creditor there though. Everything backwards (mirror image) in a democracy. In JurB, the SRAWMAN is the creditor, you, the real person, are the debtor.

When you learn to perfect a claim, you’re powers are then unlimited. As a creditor, you control and responsibility. You can do anything you want as long as it’s not hurting anyone. (If you’re hurting or damaging, you’re no longer a creditor.)

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are improper (not sufficient to qualify as) negotiable instruments. It is a benefit/ privilege to trade in FRN worthless paper.

JurB can’t recognize JurB – if they did, all attorneys & judges would have to be executed.
Judges are only establishing whether you are a creditor or a debtor, determined not by your words but by your actions. If you’re a creditor, he’s going to find in your favor.

A creditor always comes in peace (not arguing) with a solution. If you argue in commerce, you’re a debtor.

No matter how you write your name (uppercase or lowercase), that name is not you – it is only a legal fictional identity. Everything in commerce is fictional. There is no positive law; everything is through voluntary agreement (which is the basis of the control you’re subject to).

The Strawman is the creditor on the UCC-1 – it is the STRAWMAN’s account that generates all the money. You can’t interact with JurB; only the STRAWMAN (bailor?) can. You’re the Trustee for the STRAWMAN and you’re responsible. Your body (to which they hold title) is surety for the trust. When they arrest the vessel and attach it as a surety to the charges – if you’re a creditor you’re going to put something up (bond it) to release the vessel. If you put up a bond, there’s no need for the body to be a surety (a bond).

The charge is a fact. Being as it is there, you are guilty. Old English “guilded” is to pay.

“Do you understand the charges?” means: Are you going to stand under (be the surety for) these charges?

If you don’t understand, you are a debtor. When you then plead not guilty, if you said yes you understand the charges, you’re now saying that you’re not going to pay. You’re in immediate contempt or dishonor.

When you say you understand and plead guilty to the facts, you’re saying that you will pay. You’re waiving the benefit/ privilege of prison and you will affect payment immediately; you’re in honor. They can’t put a person in honor in jail. You’ve volunteered to be surety, and as surety, you’re bringing a bond, you’re the guarantor. You’re underwriting those charges.

The Bible has many overlays – one is commercial. The sign of the cross is a ledger – assets on the left, liabilities on the right. Christianity is double entry bookkeeping. Jesus pre-paid your debt. Mason call the Bible the “sacred volume of law”.

7 years for a bankruptcy; 70 years for a commercial bankruptcy; 10 days, 3 days for a commercial process, etc. The Elites follow the Bible to a “T”. They’re the sons of Cain. The Garden of Eden is a commercial-free zone. In the Bible, one can charge usury only to foreigners. Wooden yoke is slavery at home; iron yoke is slavery in a foreign land. Sin is debt. If you come from anger, greed, etc., you’re a spiritual debtor. The deadliest sin is pride. Humility is the basic trait of a creditor. Creditors don’t take anything personal; they love. You, the authorized representative and trustee of the corporation are there to bring remedy. Don’t be an enemy (paper terrorist) of the State by misusing these powerful documents.

Everything in commerce comes from offers and acceptances.

A traffic ticket is an offer. The original is a charging instrument. You can accept it, refuse it or do nothing (dishonor). Only a full acceptance and paying is in honor with any offer.

A felony charge is an offer. The Judge has, in his private folder or record, the charging instrument which is a negotiable instrument with someone’s signature on it.

Let them charge you. When they took away your right to property, they gave you the ability to discharge or setoff with your signature.

Creditors establish the facts outside of JurB. Creditors operate in JurA. Creditors never go into JurB with an argument or controversy – that would be in dishonor. Bring your private, foreign judgment from JurA into JurB and get it recognized in JurB. Then there are no facts in dispute; there’s no controversy; you’re in honor.

Everything is commercial. Understand the charges; plead guilty and pay the fine. This is the remedy.
Make the IRS your friend. They’ll do all your work for you if you fill out the right forms. The Sec’y of Treasury can be your intermediary.

If someone else is really guilty, perfect a claim against them from JurA. Take all his property away from him. No one will mess with you if you know what you’re doing in JurA. Judges, attorneys, etc. are all bonded. If you perfect a claim and attach it to their bond and liquidate, they’re not a public agent anymore. They will not be bonded or insured anymore. They can’t serve their role if they don’t have their bond.

As a creditor, you’re looking after everyone’s interest.

Documents of Title:
If I trade FRNs for a can of soup in a store; they give you a receipt, which is your document of title.
Certificates of Title are issued to whoever has equitable interest (the beneficiary/owner/operator) by the legal title holder (trustee). Title itself is a trust.

In a trust you can be the grantor and the trustee; you can be the grantor and the beneficiary; but you can’t be all three unless there are multiple beneficiaries.

Reverse a trust: If you are the grantor and the beneficiary and the State is the trustee (as when you purchase a car), they issue you a Certificate of Title. Accept it for value, return it to them (and you’ve certified it to them). Now they’re the beneficiary and you’re the trustee.

Same with a title on a house. Title on the house is a grant deed, issued (certified) to you by the County. The County holds legal title to your property. Get a certified copy of that grant deed and recertify it back to them and you’ve just reversed it. You’re taking legal title.

Same with a driver’s license. The driver’s license is a trust. Same thing with any document of title. You reverse by endorsing and returning. See for IDP.

Same with the birth certificate. First step in being a creditor is taking legal title to the body; take legal title to the trust that was established on your behalf. The creditor controls the trust. Beneficiaries cannot control nor therefore be a creditor. The creditor maintains sovereignty and control.

Your mother acted as the fiduciary when she volunteered to file an application for a birth certificate. Until you’re 21, you’re considered incompetent. At 21, you have the option of reversing all your trusts.

Age 18 is bondage. You can die for your country, but you can’t drink, because you’re not responsible.
Age 21 represents responsibility even biblically.

Marriage is a corporate merger that creates little sub-corps or subsidiaries. Take back legal title to all of it.

Marriage license: State holds legal title and controls the marriage. They send you a marriage certificate. Reverse (afv) this trust first, then the divorce judgement; then reverse the trust of the kids’ birth certificates. Put the kids’ b/c’s on your security agreement and add collateral on a UCC-3. Now you’re the trustee; you have the superior claim.


Since there is no money and no legal titles being exchanged, all we have are security interests. Perfect your claims, thereby giving you security interest.

IRS works for creditors. IRS has forms that allow you to be a creditor and acquire funds that are in escrow. An outstanding balance, for instance, on an American Express card is in escrow. The funds are there – you just have to tell the IRS with the proper tax filings to access those funds and pay that guy off with them or return those funds to me.

You can OID any funds that go out of your bank account – and get them back. Acquire escrow funds with a 1099-A.

If you file a 1099-OID as Recipient, those get reported on a 1040 if you want to get the funds returned. 1099-As don’t get reported; neither do OIDs when you’re the Payor.

11 Surety & Escrow (DTC)

12 Faith, Spirit & Energy

13 Principals & Concepts

14 Creation of Money

15 Accepted for Value

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