Saturday, August 16, 2008

my new book 101 other uses for chopsticks


Billions of disposable chopsticks are used every day and millions of them are discarded every day. Wouldn’t it be nice, not to mention ecologically sensible, to find ways to recycle those mounds of eating utensils?

Well, someone (Kimarie Teter) has not only found new and interesting ways to reuse them.

A tongue and cheek book filled with 101 Other Uses for Chopsticks, and clever, sometimes off-the-wall suggestions for chopsticks. Tired of cutting your fingers on those nasty tin can lids while trying to remove them? - Try a chopstick. How about using one as your personal under-the-cast-itch-scratcher?

kite string holder

corn dog stick

or even a meat tenderizer.


101 Other Uses for Chopsticks is a totally original, realistic, easy-to-relate-to, this-is-so-inventive why-didn’t-I-think-of-that kind of book.

It is the unique source of endless uses for an everyday item. Not only does the book explore various uses for recycling chopsticks across a broad range of categories (such as “Around the House,” “Art n crafts,” “Fun ‘n’ Games,” and “Duh,”) but it also includes inserts detailing the history of chopsticks, chopstick taboos, and step-by-step instructions for using them.

You found an honest, creative, thought provoking, politically incorrect, witty, tactless, just, in-your-face-,why didn’t I think of it kind of Coffee Table Reference Book with 101 Other Uses for Chopstick

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