Friday, August 8, 2008

8/08/2008 meaning

The Numerology of 8/8/08
Decode the meaning behind the math

by Hans Decoz

The number 8 has always played a special -- if misunderstood -- role in the art and science of Numerology. Numerologists and Numerology enthusiasts often view 8 as the lucky number of money and power, but in truth, the 8 is better known as the "great balancer" -- it represents the belief that you reap what you sow.

Changing Your Name for More 8s
Countless people have considered a name change to add more 8s to their Numerology chart, but this is a waste of time -- you're more likely to lose wealth than to attract it that way. Numerology doesn't trump the natural cause-and-effect of the universe, so no one can gain undeserved riches simply by playing with numbers.

How 8 Are You?

How many 8s are in your personality?

As we approach this dynamic date, explore your own personal math with a FREE Numerology reading from your Personality Profile.

Balance and Consequences
8 represents balance; it's the number that brings reward to some and takes away from others. In shape and energy, 8 symbolizes the idea that all actions have consequences, and it strikes a balance not only in your financial health, but in matters of love and success throughout your life.

8s In the Date
That said, let's look to August 8, 2008 (or 8/8/08) to see what can be gleaned by such a promising date. It's important to remember that the true 8/8/08 happened two thousand years ago, and the date we are looking at breaks down to the numbers 1, 9 and 8 -- the universal year, month and day cycles, respectively. It's interesting to also note the "hidden numbers" -- the 16/7 Pinnacle, which is a Karmic Debt Number, as well as what we call the "zero challenge."

The Numerology of 8/8/08: Continued

In this date, the balancing power of 8 is dominant. We can expect shocking and unexpected events, but they will be corrective -- this includes big surprises on the global and national stage. These "8" occurrences tend to bring relief and justice. Still, the hidden 16/7 karmic number is worrying, as it brings with it a self-destructive energy, although this often promotes growth. And the zero challenge calls for solidarity, so we must combine our strengths to ensure survival. Yes, 8/8/08 is heavy. Luckily, it effects lasting, positive change.

Run the Numbers

How 8 Is Your Year?

Find out how much balance you can expect for 8/8/08 and beyond! Learns key dates and important sums for the entire year with a Numerology Forecast.

Start My Forecast »

I have always considered Numerology to be a bit like detective work with layers and layers of clues to sort through. Given what we know of August 8, I have no doubt it will be a memorable day with danger and darkness coming from an unexpected direction. But there will also be a powerful, selfless response from the world community.

8/8/08 on a Personal Level
On a personal level, you will probably not experience any major shake-ups as your personal cycles are about a thousand times more important than the universal cycles. Think of it this way: heavy rainstorms might be life-altering to a whole area or town, but for you, they simply determine whether you get wet or not. That is to say, this numerological forecast may not effect you personally at all, unless your personal Numerology cycles are likewise promising.

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