Sunday, May 18, 2008

the chalice

Others have seduced vs. caressed
talked rather than listened
glared in curiosity instead of gleaming star beems from their eyes like he does
I have this constant feeling of being filled up, my cup now runeth over
then there is the quiet silence of his heart
for even those moments sound like a melody playing on his heart strings
linking vibrations of love like a cloths line between two new york city buildings
the garments that dangle are some cute boxers, splattered lime green hearts
with one big red one on the left, knee socks with the toes in them, rainbow colored of course, blowing back and forth is the sheets waving markings sanskrit reminding them of a greater union, the wife beater with little Kate's face blowing a kiss from grandmas house
swoops the hawk
if you could see as I see
God is everywhere
from the dark of the night, in the middle of a storm, tossing about the lost pirate ship
to the echoes of the children's laughter, on a field trip to the city garden
living in the heart of a murderer who only wants mothers love again
to the kittens purr after a long meal with brothers
resting on a black widows leg and hanging from the petals now blowing in the wind

cozy up and find God whenever and wherever you can
the table has been set and we have been invited to the eternal feast of love
as we raise our glasses we toast to the promise
the promise that we are a chip off the ol' block
we are always welcome home
there will always be enough to share
the sun will always rise
love is our birth right
we can never die...
may 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Energy and Purpose

sitting on a virgin flight to NY
just had to rush through security in time to make it
what was the reason i almost missed the my flight?
I had a dagger with me tucked safely away in my traveling altar box

what was I thinking? I shared with the scanners that it was an antique gift given to me
and about how it was her great grandfathers, everyone waiting in anticipation knowing protocol was about to ensue, they looked like children waiting for mom to come in and punish the guilty party. Meanwhile I am willing to loose the item to avoid more hassles from this day.
after spreading my beautiful altar out across the scanning table I was feeling oh' so.. Pagan
my sweet oils, harrypotter like wand, incense tokens with om and love on them, silks and statues of Ganesha and Shiva so a'per poe for the moment.

I stood smiling with my eyes and apologized for the disruption.
"actually it's an antique letter opener" the officer declared! It's not even sharp!
he checked my criminal record handed it back to me and said you'll need to check it with your carry on or we will have to keep this item
I was so... ok with letting it go, I just couldn't miss my flight
however, everyone at security was cheering me on to check it! they said I had plenty of time if I ran :)
evidently this item was charged with so much energy after being on my altar for a year that it was not willing to retire to the bone yard of purposelessness
after all it had helped me eradicate people and conditions that were no longer serving me in my life as I headed on towards my purpose as a writer and healer...
that's when it hit me that everything holds energy EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

So here is what insight came of this unfortunate event at the airport

sitting in my seat I ruminate with my epiphany
that dagger is probably 800 years old and it had bigger agenda than me that day
I did declare myself a vessel to be used for the greater good in any way God wants me, I am on call.
this dagger stayed with me, "it's down below in cargo waiting for you" as my travel friend reminded me after I shared the interesting event with him, he too saw the purpose?
it was not ready to separate, maybe I was careless? and too unattached to the outcome...
I see now that it has it's own life, maybe to unite with the energy most dedicated to making an imprint on societies concepts of what is real.
I realized that this entity held it's own /journey/destiny/purpose

where did it originate?
who made it?
who has owned it?
why me now? at this time?
does the passage "when two or more gather in my name" mean also the dagger?
is that why nature has the breath of god in it?

Ironically as I write this it occurs to me that Daniel has been using it on his Altar!
surely this dagger could end up out living us all..

are Daniel and I blessed because of this Phi equation?
the difference is so ginormous when someone looks into your soul and says "kiss me"
delicately drawing my face towards his, giving all his love through a single breath

I heard this quote from Hafiz
"I am the hole in the flute which Jesus blows through listen to this music!"

I breathe all of this in and then sink into peace

Thursday, May 1, 2008

sound sinks in

the vibration of the bowl as it sits waiting ti sink in through the consciousness
awaiting invitation
awaiting intention
awaiting permission to exist for us
allow allow allow your heart to hear the song
the song that calls you home

make sweet love to the ego
thank it for all its work in advance
relate to it but do not identify with it
for it is the reason we can see god
the ebb and flow of duality for the greater good
imagine to be separate if only for the chance of union
over and over
anytime you want to swim home
thank you for my key to consciousness
ego the key
authentic self the door
God the house and temple
thank you for wrapping yourself in the blanket of exsistance
thank you for your journey
thank you for your courage

these words spoken in spanish would be sooo sexy